QuickBooks and Word Improve Customer Relationships

A common statistic that’s thrown around is that it can cost five times as much to obtain a new customer as to retain an existing one. Even if the cost isn’t that high for your business, you likely know the value of keeping your customers. And that requires maintaining...

5 Things To Do Every Time You Open QuickBooks

Usually when people talk about habits, they’re trying to find ways to break bad ones. Sometimes it’s difficult to even trace them back to how they got started. They’ve just become habits. Starting new ones should be easier than breaking old,...

Why You Should Back Up Your Quickbooks File

It shouldn’t take the thought of a natural disaster to make you think about always having a current backup of your QuickBooks information. Files get corrupted. Computers fail and become inaccessible. Hackers can get in and compromise your valuable company...

5 Tips for New and Confused QuickBooks Users

Learning new software is always a challenge. You have to learn the lay of the land before you can start working with it. How do I do this? How does the menu system work? How can I enter data without making a mistake? The learning process for financial software for...

Give Your Forms a Professional, Uniform Look

When you receive an inaccurate or sloppy, unattractive invoice from a vendor, it may leave you wondering if they are as careless with creating their products and services. Whether they think about it consciously or not, the quality of your paper and digital...

QuickBooks for a More Productive and Prosperous 2023

With the new year well underway, it is time to assess where you are with your finances and consider where you’d like to be. If you’ve been able to use the guidance offered last month, your accounts receivable and payable should be up to date. As you may...