Saving for Education: Understanding 529 Plans
Many parents are looking for ways to save for their child’s education, and a 529 Plan is an excellent way to do so. Even better is that thanks to the passage of tax reform legislation in 2017, 529 plans are now available to parents wishing to save for their child’s K-12 education as well as […]
Certain Taxpayers May Need to File an Amended Return
Taxpayers who reported certain state 2022 tax refunds as taxable income may need to file an amended tax return. Affected taxpayers include those who filed before February 10, 2023, and meet certain requirements. Taxpayers who used a tax professional should consult with them to determine whether an amended return is necessary. Background Details clarifying the […]
Small Business: Choosing a Payroll Service Provider
When choosing a payroll service provider to handle payroll and payroll tax, employers should choose a trusted payroll service to help them avoid missed deposits for employment taxes and other unpaid bills. Typically, these clients remain legally responsible for paying the taxes due, even if the employer sent funds to the payroll service provider for […]
5 Tips for New and Confused QuickBooks Users
Learning new software is always a challenge. You have to learn the lay of the land before you can start working with it. How do I do this? How does the menu system work? How can I enter data without making a mistake? The learning process for financial software for your small business can be […]
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