Filing a Final Tax Return for a Deceased Person
When someone dies, their surviving spouse or representative must file a final tax return for the deceased person. Usually, the representative is named in the person’s will or appointed by a court. Sometimes when there isn’t a surviving spouse or appointed representative, a personal representative will file the final return. The IRS doesn’t need any […]
What To Know About Reverse Mortgages
Home equity represents a significant portion of the average retiree’s wealth. If you’re 62 or older and house-rich but cash-poor, a reverse mortgage loan allows you to convert part of the equity in your home into cash – without having to sell your home. You can use this cash to finance a home improvement, pay […]
Small Business Financing: Securing a Loan
At some point, most small business owners will visit a bank or other lending institution to borrow money. Understanding what your bank wants and how to approach it properly can mean the difference between getting a loan for expansion or scrambling to find cash from other sources. Understand the Basic Principles of Banking It is […]
Kids’ Day Camp Expenses May Qualify for a Tax Credit
Day camps are common during school vacations and the summer months. And their cost may count towards the child and dependent care credit. Here are five things parents should know: 1. Care for Qualifying Persons. You may qualify for the credit whether you pay for care at home, at a daycare facility, or a day camp. […]
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