Businesses Can Save Taxes by Acquiring and Placing Assets in Service by Year End
Under Section 179 of the Internal Revenue Code, companies can “expense” the full cost of qualifying fixed assets to reduce their taxable income. This means they can deduct the purchase amount currently rather than having to depreciate the asset over many years. Both new and used fixed assets can qualify. The election is available for […]
Make 2023 Annual Exclusion Gifts by Dec. 31
One of the most effective estate-tax-saving techniques is also one of the simplest: making use of the gift tax annual exclusion. It allows you to give to an unlimited number of family or friends cash or property valued up to a “specified” amount each year without owing gift tax or using up any of your […]
How QuickBooks Can Improve Your Chances of Budget Success
Budgets are hard to maintain through the best of times let alone over the last few years. First there was COVID. Then supply chain issues. Then a significant rise in inflation. If you’ve been trying to stick to a budget, you’ve probably been struggling. The biggest challenge, of course, is coming up with realistic target […]
How To Be Ready To Secure a Business Bad Debt Deduction on Your 2023 Tax Return
Is your business having trouble collecting payments from clients or vendors? You might be able to claim a bad debt deduction on your tax return. But if you hope to take the deduction on your 2023 return, you’ll have to get busy, because you must be able to show that you’ve made a “reasonable” effort […]
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