Avoid Misinformation About Tax-Favored Health Accounts
Do you have a health Flexible Spending Account, Health Savings Account or similar plan through your employer? The IRS is warning about misinformation that could lead to serious mistakes. Nonmedical nutrition, wellness and exercise expenses that aren’t explicitly related to a medical diagnosis or treatment aren’t reimbursable under these plans. But that hasn’t stopped certain […]
2024 Depreciation Limits for Business Vehicles
IRS guidance provides the 2024 depreciation limits for “luxury” business vehicles. For vehicles placed in service in 2024, depreciation limits (including first-year bonus depreciation) are $20,400 for year one, $19,800 for year two, $11,900 for year three and $7,160 for each year after that. This includes passenger cars, as well as SUVs, trucks and vans […]
How to Create Credit Memos and Give Refunds in QuickBooks
You work hard creating the products and services you sell. So it’s disappointing when someone wants their money back. Sometimes it has nothing to do with the quality of what you sold them. Maybe you sent the wrong size or color, or someone paid for a service upfront and decided to cancel it. Customers just […]
Retirement Saving Options for Your Small Business
If you’re looking for a retirement plan for yourself and your employees but worried about the financial commitment and administrative burdens involved, there are some options to consider. One possibility is a Simplified Employee Pension (SEP). This plan, which comes with relative ease of administration and the discretion to make or not make annual contributions, […]
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