Tax Breaks for Increasing Accessibility
Certain small business owners may qualify for tax breaks by making their premises accessible to people with disabilities. The CDC reports that 61 million people in the United States are affected by disabilities. The Disabled Access Credit is a nonrefundable credit for up to 50% of eligible access expenditures made by qualifying small businesses in […]
Why You Should Be Using the Bill Pay Tools in QuickBooks Desktop
Thirty years ago, we didn’t have a choice: We either mailed off checks immediately or put the paper bills in a folder or on a stack. Maybe we marked their due dates on a calendar or clipped them to calendar pages a few days before the due date so we wouldn’t forget. But we sometimes […]
The Advantages of Hiring Your Minor Children for Summer Jobs
If you’re a small-business owner and you hire your children this summer, you may be able to secure tax breaks and other nontax benefits. The kids can gain bona fide on-the-job experience, save for college and learn how to manage money. You may be able to shift some of your high-taxed income into tax-free or […]
The “Nanny Tax” Must Be Paid for Nannies and Other Household Employees
If you employ a household worker who isn’t an independent contractor, you may be required to pay employment taxes on the worker’s cash wages. This is commonly referred to as the “nanny tax.” In 2024, when a household employee’s cash wages reach at least $2,700, you must pay the employer share of Social Security (6.2%) […]
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