Small Business Financing: Securing a Loan

At some point, most small business owners will visit a bank or other lending institution to borrow money. Understanding what your bank wants and how to approach it properly can mean the difference between getting a loan for expansion or scrambling to find cash from...

Employee Relocation: What Happens to Your Home?

Business owners and employees often have questions about what to do with an employee’s home when they move to a new job location. Here are some answers. Employees Most employers want to protect the employee from being relocated against financial loss on a...

Tax Withholding for Seasonal and Part-Time Employees

Many businesses hire part-time or full-time workers, especially in the summer. The IRS classifies these employees as seasonal workers, defined as employees performing labor or services on a seasonal basis (i.e., six months or less). Examples of this kind of work...

Avoiding a Tax Surprise When Retiring Overseas

Are you approaching retirement age and wondering where you can retire to make your retirement nest egg last longer? Retiring abroad may be the answer. But first, it’s important to look at the tax implications — because not all retirement country...

What To Do if You Receive an IRS CP2000 Notice

An IRS CP2000 notice is mailed to a taxpayer when income reported from third-party sources such as an employer, bank, or mortgage company does not match the income reported on the tax return. It is not a tax bill or a formal audit notification; it merely informs you...

What To Do if You Missed the Tax Deadline

Tuesday, April 18, 2023, was the deadline for most taxpayers to file their tax returns. If you haven’t filed a 2022 tax return yet, it’s not too late. First, gather any information related to income and deductions for the tax years for which a return is...